Counseling Resources
Need to talk to a counselor?
Mrs. Niemann-Middle School Mrs. Humes-High School
330-927-7143 330-927-7144
Feel free to call us and leave a voicemail. Our voicemails are being emailed to us at this time.
*Scroll toward the bottom to find resources specific for COVID-19*
For many, the holidays can be equal parts heartwarming and challenging / isolating. As the effects of the pandemic continue to take a toll on the mental health of students, teachers, families and other community members, State Support Team 10 recently shared a free resource to provide free related supports, The Ohio CareLine. The Ohio CareLine is a toll-free, confidential emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS). Trained, licensed clinicians will answer calls and offer emotional support and assistance 24 hours a day, 7days a week. The CareLine exists to provide emotional support to Ohioans struggling with these challenging times at no cost. All calls will be confidential. To access the Ohio CareLine, call 1-800-720-9616.
It's tough to be a Teenager sometimes!
I know as adults we sometimes say "What I wouldn't give to be a kid again!" The truth of the matter is that, as adults, we have lived through heartbreaks/divorces, death of friends and loved ones, losses of jobs, failure at school or work, debt management, coping with feelings of sadness, etc. Sometimes these trials and tribulations can really have a lasting emotional effect on our teenagers.
Over the years, we learn "coping skills" to help us manage the barrage of feelings that come along with the highs and lows of life. For some, these skills develop on their own, for others of us, we need help in developing these skills, so that we can have a happy and fulfilling life.
Should you or your student need help developing coping skills or need to talk to someone about how to process different events in life, PLEASE do not be afraid to reach out for help. The list of Community Resources below will provide you with names, addresses, and phone numbers for a variety of Clinical Counselors in the local area.
Local Counseling & Community resources
24 Hour Crisis Hotline for Wayne County (330) 264-9029 or 1-877-264-9029
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Great Resource to learn about mental health concerns
Family Guide to Adolescent Depression
HelpGuide – Helps you help yourself to better mental and emotional health – variety of topics addressed
Getting the Most out of Therapy and Counseling
Network of Counseling Services in Wayne/Holmes County
Another great resource is United Way’s InfoLink. You can dial 2-1-1, 24 hours a day, everyday to get connected with information and referrals to health and human services agencies in the Wayne/Holmes area. 2-1-1 is free and confidential and can be called from your cell or your home. You will be directed to the most appropriate local programs that help with:
- Food, clothing, housing and utility assistance
- Services for older adults and people with disabilities
- Family support, children and your services and parenting
- Crisis Intervention
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Resources
… and much, much more!
Call 2-1-1 or visit their website today! :-)
Wayne County Children Services Board - If you suspect a child is being abused, please call Wayne County CSB. It is their job to investigate reports and determine if the child needs help. Help them to do their job by reporting. A child thanks you!
Parent Tips: Mental Health, Family & the Holidays
Thriving in Uncertain Times
Talking to kids about drinking, drugs, & sex
Talking about Racism
Feeling Stressed? Check out these coping strategies.
Want to do some yoga? Select the link to find more information and videos.