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Visit the Scholarship page for the 2024-2025 Scholarship Booklet.

  • It's not too late to earn scholarships. Sign up at


SENIORS! Did you know that we bring a variety of college campuses directly to you here at RHS? Every Fall, Admissions Representatives from area colleges will be at RHS to speak with anyone interested in attending their college/university. The list of visiting colleges is posted on the tv's. Sign up sheets are located in the high school office. If there is a college which is not scheduled to visit RHS, please see Mrs. Humes with the college name.

Senior Seminars
These meetings are designed to provide information to Seniors regarding preparation for after high school. Upcoming dates and locations are included in announcements. Parents, check in with your students after the seminars to see what we covered. An email is also sent via Final Forms with an outline the information covered. Thanks!

Senior Time Line


If you need transcripts sent to a college, please provide a completed transcript request form to Mrs. Davis or Mrs. Humes so we can forward your transcript.

Need to request transcripts from the University of AkronUniversity of Findlay or Stark State? Select the appropriate link to request transcripts. You can request transcripts online from the University of Akron by logging on to My Akron. Please note that there may be a charge to request transcripts from the colleges.